Friday, May 28, 2010

More movies and books...

Just finished reading The Glass Castle
just finished watching Flash of Genius
currently watching Pirate Radio...

check back for updates on this post.
It may be a few days if not later tonight, I have to pack for my Memorial Day vacation to Philly, then to DC and maybe even NY!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

more reviews...

It seems my life consists of only movies, but it surprisingly does not. I enjoy reading as well, and it dawned on me that I should start reviewing the books I read.

First I'll begin with what it seems I know best, movies.
I just watched Shrek Forever After this past weekend and I loved it. It was so cute! For some reason I was excited about going to see this Shrek. I saw the first Shrek but I can't even remember if it was in the theaters or on DVD. The second and third installments are kind of a blur and I know for sure I didn't see those 2 in the theaters. I actually think I watch the 3rd movie on the cruise ship on our way to Mexico at our mini family reunion a couple of years ago.
Anyways, like I said, I was excited about this Shrek and so I asked my girlfriend who has a daughter if they were going to see this movie so that I can go with them. Children's movies always seem more fun when there's an actual kid going. We watched it in 3D which was double exciting. The digital 3D is so much more sophisticated than the red/blue glasses we used to wear. The movie was funny and the story was great. It was actually almost touching, I think I almost cried at one point! I recommend it to everyone, with or without children.

I do have to say though, that this may be the summer blockbuster this year. I've seen some of the previews of upcoming movies and so far the Karate Kid was the only movie I've seen so far that piqued my interest (aside from Sex in the City 2) and I think that's kind of sad. Summertime is usually an action movie time and I haven't seen any good previews for one yet. Is it too soon? Summer starts in about a month, so I would think they've already started promoting the summer movies. Then again, I do fast forward through all commercials thanks to the invention of a DVR!! I rarely watch a show during the actual broadcast time anymore. If you know of any good movies coming out this summer, let me know!!

OK on to books -I just finished Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. Chelsea Handler is hilarious and I've read her other 2 books but I think this one was the funniest. If you don't know who she is then you must check out her late night show on E!, Chelsea Lately or read her books. In her latest book, I sometimes feel like I have moments that I can relate to her with. I think it's just one of those books you have to read to understand. (Warning - it can be vulgar, so not recommended for those who are easily offended.)

Currently, I'm reading The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls. I just started this book a few days ago and so far it is quite interesting. It's a memoir so I think that's what makes it interesting. I will let you know how the whole book is when I'm done.

I love the summertime, I can catch up on TV shows, movies and books. I recently went back to school to get my masters degree and summer seems to be the only time I can read because I now must read school books which aren't so interesting and the information is easily forgettable. :-)